How Self-Regulated Strategy Development Improves Academic Skills

Self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) is designed to improve student’s academic skills to select, monitor, and use different strategies. Self-regulation strategy should not be confused with mental capabilities and academic skills. Instead, it’s a self-directed process where learners transform their abilities into skills and habits while developing in an enhanced way. The three main components of self-regulation that usually occur in a pattern are planning, problem-solving, and evaluation. Self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) provides guidelines to students to self-regulate (Goal attainment, self-evaluation, self-assessment, and self-reinforcement). This leads to increased self-confidence and enhances learning.

Mindfulness meditation develops meta-awareness and fosters a positive relationship between oneself and others that transcends self-focus needs. By engaging in practices such as breathing exercises and gratitude, mindfulness meditation enables us to create space between ourselves and within the environment, leading to maintaining focus and feelings of relaxation and inner peace.

The Process Of Self-Regulated Strategy Development

SRSD involves six steps involved in the process:

1: Background Information Provided By Teachers on SRSD Success

The teacher analyzes and identifies the student’s skill deficit and helps students acquire the need to understand, learn and use the strategies accordingly.

2: Discussing Strategies And Its Components

Both parties discuss student evaluation and identify the areas of improvement and provide motivation to students so they can use different strategies. Students might identify their weak areas and seek improvement and monitor progress. The coach introduces strategies, and often the mnemonic device to help students memorize each component.

3: Modeling strategies

Both the coach and the learner tried to rethink ways to develop strategies and possible ways to bring improvement in it. The coach set some targeted goals which students have to achieve that will show their level of performance.

4:Memorizing the strategy

The mnemonic devices can help students memorize the strategy. They can paraphrase the steps according to their needs.

5: Supporting students learning with differentiated instructions

After applying the strategy, students are responsible. The support and constructive feedback provided by the coach encourage the students to the next level.

6: Watching the students perform independently

After students learn to use strategies consistently and effectively, it will have a positive impact on their overall performance. They can modify the strategy and use it in different situations and tasks.

Elements of Self-Regulated Learning

Learners who are effective and efficient likely are:

  • Self-regulated
  • Assessing task requirements
  • Setting goals in a productive way
  • Choosing, implementing, and modifying strategies to achieve the targets

While working through different tasks, the learners identify how to manage emotions and waning motivation to achieve success. Students who ask questions, take notes, and allocate their time are the ones who will achieve their goals and objectives.

5 Strategies to Help Build Self-Regulation Development Skills

These skills help students improve their academic skills through a self-regulated strategy development process:

1: Self-Reflection

In the learning process of self-reflection, self-judgment and self-reaction are crucial. The students should analyze the achievement of learning objectives and their reaction to failures. Self-regulation has several characteristics like self-esteem and self-estimation that helps students have an optimistic outlook on life.

2: Planning and Time Management

The students need to manage their time and resources, save time and energy, overcome frustration and anxiety, and be persistent while completing the task. Students can prioritize what is important or what is not and do the tasks accordingly.

Develop SMART goals

Developing SMART goals is crucial for success. Identify the limit of “why” and “how” of your goals. Goals can only be effective if a person finds the purpose of “what drives their motivation” or “why”.

Gauge Emotions

Once students are more self-aware of their emotions and body, it’s easy to gauge emotions. And while controlling emotions, they can struggle in a much better way and find solutions to their problems.

Use Mindfulness And Guided Meditation

Guided meditation videos are available on different web pages, on YouTube, and on meditation apps that provide a sense of relaxation and calm to the mind and body. Practicing mindfulness increases their focus and improves their skills and abilities in a short time.

Why Self-Regulated Learning Is Important For Adults?

People who have developed the skills and abilities to be effective and efficient in learning, stay persistent and put in the effort. The key factor for coaches to understand is how to encourage and train these skills in students. Self-regulated strategies help learners in long-term learning and capabilities to transfer knowledge, skills, and abilities from one setting to another.

Instructional Strategies

When instructional strategies are paired with self-regulated strategy development, students become more confident while adopting, implementing, and monitoring strategies. Self-regulated learning has three components:


The cognitive element includes the skills, abilities, and habits that are vital to encode, memorize, and recall information. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills both are crucial as learning strategies. Critical thinking involves identifying a problem and reflecting on the processes.

2: Meta-cognition

Meta-cognitive enables a person to understand and monitor the cognition processes. It further consists of three types of knowledge:

  • Declarative knowledge
    This factor knows oneself and it declares performance level.
  • Declarative knowledge
    This factor knows oneself and it declares performance level.
  • Procedural knowledge
    It knows other strategies and procedures.
  • Conditional knowledge
    It’s about why and when to use a particular strategy.


The motivation element acts as a bridge between both. As 40% of students face a lack of motivation which reduces their productivity. This includes self-efficacy and the nature and origin of knowledge. These instructions can assist the learners to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. It teaches them to stay motivated and persistent.

Wrapping Up

Mindfulness has shown several benefits like self-regulation, maintaining focus, social and emotional skills, and awareness to reach academic achievements. Meditation improves connectivity and activation in the brain that in turn increases the level of productivity. It enhances the academic performance of students in a far better way and shows remarkable outcomes. Teachers must keep in mind that the use of appropriate tools and resources is specifically geared toward students.

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